
What You Should Know About the 2014 Light Bulb Ban

This is not an area that I normally cover but I found the article informative about a lower tech situation that we will all be facing in the new year.Personally I converted most of the lighting in my home to compact fluorescent several years ago.  When I was living in the RV I used CFLs in lamps and mounted 20 watt fluorescent fixtures to provide adequate reading light while reducing the heat load on my A/C unit.  When I bought my place and screw-in bulbs began to burn out I replaced them with the CFL I was used to.  I do use halogen lamps for the outdoor lights at my front and back door since most CFL doesn't get along with rain or very low temperatures.
I expect that as their use becomes more pervasive the cost of LED based illumination will come down as has happened with other electronic devices.

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