
Microsoft releases 'Silver Bullet' patch KB 3024777 to eliminate KB 3004394

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Date of Article:  2014-12-12
Source of Article:  InfoWorld Tech Watch
If you have a Windows 7 SP 1 system and have installed KB3004394 from the latest Patch Tuesday and it is causing problems this article describes a fix just published by Microsoft to help cure these problems.
MS claims that KB3004394 does not cause problems on Windows 8/8.1 systems.  I can not personally attest to the problems or lack of problems as I am still in my personal Patch Tuesday delay mode which is always at least 6 days long and longer if I know there are problems out there through the reporting of Woody and several of his peers.  

Does your computer have malware? Here are the telltale signs

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Date of Article:  2014-12-11
Source of Article:  PC World
This is a good basic article on what to look for and what not to look for and then what to do if it does look like you really have malware.
Part of my protection system has been to use the best antivirus/malware software that I can afford and then do periodic testing with three different portable scanners to verify what my first line of defense is telling me. 